2018ICEF高峰論壇7月21日開啟 英國跨境物流專家齊來助陣!
7月21-23月,2018ICEF中國(廣州)國際跨境電商高峰論壇將在廣州琶洲保利世貿博覽館盛大開幕,英國重磅嘉賓——Cool Logistics Resources總經理 Alex von Stempel加盟助陣,共襄跨境盛典。
Alex von Stempel
演講嘉賓:英國冷鏈物流資源董事總經理 Alex von Stempel
嘉賓簡介:Alex von Stempel擁有超過20年的從事評論員和貿易記者的經驗,其中大部分時間一直致力于貨運和物流。他曾在歐洲、亞洲、非洲和美國組織和主持過國際會議。八年前,他開始花大部分時間來開發全球和區域易腐物流活動,相信諸如全球冷鏈物流、亞洲冷鏈物流和美國冷鏈物流等小型會議在給予冷藏貨物和運營提供服務方面的發言權上發揮了重要的作用,并且會在供應鏈上產生共鳴。
Managing Director, Cool Logistics Resources, UK
Alex von Stempel has over 20 years of experience as a commentator and trade journalist, most of which has been dedicated to freight transport and logistics. He has organised and chaired international conferences in Europe, Asia, Africa and USA. Eight years ago he set out devoting a significant proportion of his time to developing global and regional perishable logistics events, believing that niche conferences such as Cool Logistics Global, Cool Logistics Asia and Cool Logistics Americas have an important role in giving reefer cargo and operations a voice that will resonate up and down the supply chain.